Monday, December 8, 2014

Race Wars & Other Current Events

Currently a race war is being incited as a means to separate us. The chaos has begun... but the seed that it grew from was planted long ago. 

First I would like to say that I know firsthand how tedious it can be to sift through all the mindless misinformation that is being circulated worldwide by what mostly appears to be a bunch of raving fanatics or mentally unstable people, in search of the few crumbs of truth that can be found. And I know that there are those of you who will hold a negative view of what I am about to say no matter what, so perhaps this post isn't for you right now, but I do hope you return later on if you become curious. Now isn't the appropriate time for silence, but there is so much empty talk, and we must be careful and prayerful about whose voice we chose to listen to. That being said, I will continue:

I believe that there are faceless people who are in control of the most important matters in world governments. They are smart enough to hide behind politicians and money-men to stay out of the limelight, but they are the puppet-masters. They don't try to control things that aren't of importance to them because it gives people in lesser leadership roles fuel to believe that 'the people' are still in control, and that allows us all a false sense of security. Its how they keep us compliant. They let us have our 'busy-work' to keep us out of their hair while they do other things.

There has been a long time process of redefining education as something that no longer includes common sense for survival. Eventually most people wont know how to survive without depending on the government and/or technology. It looks like we are fast approaching that time, doesnt it? Most people are too out of shape for hard work, and don't know how to grow or preserve their own food, how to hunt or protect themselves, build their own shelter, make their own medicines, or even build a fire to stay warm. The masterminds of this plan knew that simple dictatorship wouldn't work on the masses for the long-term, they knew that we would resist such force and rebel, overthrowing them. So the changes have been very subtly introduced over a long period of time. They have the politicians make rational sounding excuses that everyone wants to believe; it will get us out of debt, it well remedy poverty, it will prevent identity theft, it will help us identify dangerous citizens. It is my belief that all of those things were induced by the very people who are in power. As we grow accustomed to one thing, they add something else, and a once strong people are becoming weakened in the process. I'm afraid it wont be long until people have become so desensitized to each of these new impositions into their lives by the government, that they either wont care, or wont feel that they are well enough equipped to put up a fight when the people of the world are required to take a number to buy, sell, trade, or escape imprisonment.

This is a huge contributing factor in the current race wars that are being incited. I hope people soon realize that. They are using our human weaknesses & ignorance as a means to an end, they encourage our hate, to separate us; divide and conquer.

Race is just one factor used to try and divide us- class is another. The majority of poor and sick have been conditioned to think that they are at the station they belong at in life, that hoping for anything better is fruitless. People can only receive the governments help when certain 'criteria' has been met; they can get food stamps and good medical insurance for their kids, a warm place to lay their head, and help with bills, but only if they don't work, or make much money if they do. The moment a person makes a penny more than it takes just to stay alive, all of that 'assistance' is ripped away. They have made it so much easier to do nothing and collect, than to dare and try to gain their independence from government help. No wonder there are so many people with too much time on their hands looking for ways to fill the gap, and ending up out in the streets getting into trouble. No wonder laziness has become an epidemic. No wonder there is so much depression. Or that so many turn to drugs and alcohol... And since its class separation, someone has to be allowed to have just a little more, to fuel the fire. Ive met middle-class people who look down on those who are stuck in the welfare system. They think if the poor would just work a little harder, and stay off drugs, they could get ahead. Ive also met poor people who hate those in the middle-class because they feel like they were unfairly dealt a better hand. With the poor and middle-class now pitted against one another, and racism being thrown into the mix, there are at least a few who will take each other out, and the majority of the rest will at least stay mutually preoccupied with their hate for one other, while the powerful elite continue on in pursuit of their end agenda. People are being played as pawns.

The path for the Anti-Christ to rise into power is being cleared, that's what all of this is about. He will step out onto the board at just the right time, to bring peace, and will appear to make everything better after all the destruction that is to come. People will view him as a savior, and eventually will claim to be. I dont care to gamble a guess as to how soon that will happen. I do know that the world will continue to get worse despite our best efforts, and that our ONLY hope is in Christ, the true Christ who has already come and made a way for us to avoid the hell that is to come. Read the Holy Bible, it is Gods word and has every answer you are looking for within its pages. It is our guide to eternal salvation.

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